City of Burbank

Southland Environmental Services, Inc. Company is a licensed and permitted commercial waste collection provider in the City of Burbank.

Commercial Waste Collection



All businesses and multi-family properties are now required by State Law (SB 1383) and City of Burbank regulations to sort out organics and recyclables into separate containers for collection.

Organic can no longer be placed in the trash and must have a separate container to be collected and processing. Organics include yard waste and food scraps, and food soiled paper.

As a business or multi-family property owner, you are required to have separate organics, recycling, and trash collection service.

3-Container Systems

Businesses and multi-family properties are required to subscribe to

  • Organics Recycling (Green Container),
  • Recycling (Blue Container), and
  • Trash (Black Container).

Provide Education

Businesses multi-family properties owner are required to provide employees, tenants, contractors, and customers with initial and ongoing education, clear signage, and on-going training on how to properly sort materials into to correct containers.

Property managers or owners of multi-family units of 5 or more must provided education to new tenants within 14 days of occupation of the premises.


As a licensed and permitted hauler, Southland Environmental Services, Inc. can provide compliance guidance and help to “right-size” your service levels. If your business or multi-family property is not currently participating in green container organics or blue container recycling, contact our customer service center and we will gladly help you subscribe.

For additional information regarding SB 1383: California's Short-lived Climate Pollution Reduction Strategy Act, visit our SB1383.

Prevent Contamination

Recycling requires quality materials. Businesses must ensure employees and tenants know what goes where, by

  • Using signage and labels on all color compliant internal collection containers for organics, recycling, and trash.
  • Providing annual training to employees, vendors, and tenants. Retrain as necessary.
  • Monitoring contamination, provide feedback and corrective action.

You May Qualify For An Exemption

While SB 1383 regulations do not allow businesses to opt-out of recycling and organics recycling requirements, the City of Burbank may grant temporary exemptions upon a review process for the following issues:

De Minimis Waiver

Weekly trash generation is below the minimum organic waste thresholds:

  • Two cubic yards per week of solid waste (trash, recycling and organics), including 20 gallons or less of organic waste
  • Less than two cubic yards per week of solid waste (trash, recycling and organics), including 10 gallons or less of organic waste

Physical Space Waiver

The commercial business or property owner provides documentation, or the City has evidence from its staff, a hauler, licensed architect, or, licensed engineer demonstrating that the premises lack adequate space for recycling and/or organic waste containers.

Waiver information and application can be found at:  You can pick up a printed copy at the Burbank Recycle Center office, if needed.

If you feel your business qualifies for a waiver, send a completed form (PDF) to


The City of Burbank and their partners are conducting site visits and inspections to assess compliance with the new SB 1383 regulations and Burbank Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 2. Violations may be subject to civil penalties.


SB 1383 requires certain food businesses to donate the maximum amount of edible food they would otherwise dispose, to food recovery organizations. Mandated food donors can help their communities now by starting to work with local food banks, food pantries, and other food recovery organizations and services.

Is Your Business Required to Donate Edible Food?

Edible food generators are categorized as either Tier 1 or Tier 2 commercial businesses and are required to establish a food donation program by the dates listed below. The City of Burbank is available to help identify whether your business falls under the Tier 1 or Tier 2 designation. Exemptions apply for some businesses depending on square footage, number of seats, etc.

For more information visit SB1383 Food Donation - Public Works - City of Burbank (

1525 Fishburn Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90063


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